11 proprietés incroyables et inattendues du miel !

11 incredible and unexpected properties of honey!

Honey is a natural product that has been used for millennia for its therapeutic properties.

It is rich in nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, which are beneficial for health.

In this article we focus on 6 incredible properties of honey that will benefit your health.

1 Anti-infective and antibiotic properties :
Honey prevents bacterial, viral or fungal proliferation thanks to an enzyme, glucose oxidase, which produces hydrogen peroxide (as in hydrogen peroxide) which is a natural antiseptic. Its acidity and low protein concentration reinforces this action. It can be used for this purpose both at the cutaneous level and in ingestion for the respiratory or digestive sphere.

2 healing properties :
Antibacterial, honey also regenerates the skin tissue in order to have a good healing. This action is due to its high osmolarity, which causes honey to attract water, drain lymph and plasma outward, which removes debris and cleanses the wound. Honey is therefore a very recognized antiseptic.

3 Antioxidant properties :
Thanks to the presence of many flavonoids, honey has an important antioxidant power, because they neutralize free radicals, thus having a beneficial effect in the prevention of certain cancers or certain cardiovascular diseases.

4 Energetic and toning properties:
Honey is a general tonic for the body which notably strengthens the immune defences. It therefore helps to better prevent or resist microbial infections and is an ally of choice when you feel tired. Plus, because it's full of sugar, honey is a great energy source that can give you a boost when you need it .

5 Sedative and calming properties:
Honey allows the release of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that will promote sleep. So, rather than adding a piece of sugar to your evening herbal tea, dilute a spoon of honey in order to have a good, calm and peaceful night!

6 Respiratory properties :
Against cough or sore throat, honey will bring an immediate and lasting effect. Thanks to its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, it is effective in calming cold symptoms and soothing your respiratory system. It will calm irritations and will reduce the adhesion of bacteria to the respiratory wall, thus preventing their proliferation.

7 Digestive properties:
Honey acts directly on the digestive sphere, and is effective in treating stomach and intestinal infections, reducing inflammation or gastric ulcers, as well as temporary constipation. Thanks to its “diastase” enzymes, it helps digestion and stimulates the stomach. Finally, it has a slight laxative power (variable depending on the honey) and limits intestinal fermentation.
8 Cardiovascular protective properties:
Thanks to the B vitamins, which are antioxidants, honey will limit artherosclerosis, having a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels.
9 Support of essential oils in ingestion:
This is something that we do not necessarily think of at first glance, but which can be very useful: and yes, honey is a very good solution for diluting essential oils and serving as a support for their ingestion. In addition, if the mixtures are made in large quantities for long-term use, we can speak in this case of aromals, which are therefore associations between honey and essential oil (s) (in quantity less than 1 %).
10 taste properties:
If honey is so renowned, it is above all for its use in cooking! Whether to accompany food, in a sauce or on a spread, this succulent sweet product is not to be outdone, and, we must admit, it would be wrong to deprive ourselves of it!
11 Cosmetic properties:
Used since Antiquity in beauty care, honey has a pH close to that of the skin (4 to 6), and its rich composition makes it a very good moisturizing, emollient, softening and toning agent! It nourishes the cells, promotes their renewal and helps maintain the youthfulness of the skin. It also has an anti-fungal effect.

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Enjoy the benefits of natural jungle honey